Gaining an advantage when it comes to content creation is vital: with so many competitors out there, it can be absolutely overwhelming to get your content featured in the top search results.
Webmasters have had their own ways of boosting exposure since the first days of search engine optimization, but it is a constantly evolving process. Nowadays, major search engines like Google are jumping into the fray, giving quality content creators the ability to have their content featured – with Google’s backing. Below, we’ll outline several ways in which you can boost your Google Author Rank and gain needed exposure.
Grab Your Google+ Profile
If you are not already using Google+, then you will want to be using it after this. The main component and perhaps the single best thing you can do to build author rank is to acquire a Google+ profile and begin publishing your content to it. For months now, we have seen Google+ author content featured in select search results with great prominence. While the full aspects of Google Author Rank have yet to be implemented, you can begin building your “street cred” now while still being featured in select search results. In order to take advantage of this, you can feature your content in both your Google+ profile and by pinging your blog (with Google+ Authorship enabled).
Publish Content Regularly
As mentioned briefly before, you will want to use your Google+ profile consistently in order to build up your author rank with Google. Much like in regular search, a well-maintained blog or site will retain its traffic and continue earning attention, while those with infrequent updates will fall behind the rest. Google wants to feature active, motivated authors who consistently create good content, so the only way to guarantee an increased ranking and prominence in certain search results is to continue distributing and promoting your content via Google.
Develop Your Niche
The best way in which you can both build your author rank and be featured in search results is through the creation of content aimed at niche search results. Those who are just starting to build their author rank cannot reasonably expect to have an article featured in a Google search for ‘SEO’, but it may be feasible to make the cut for a search on ‘SEO effects of Google author rank’. By creating content that is both informative and incorporates long-tail keywords into its creation, you have a much better shot of being featured and as such, developing a higher Google Author Rank.
Schmooze With Like-Minded Folk
Networking via Google Plus is vital if you want to increase the size of your circles on the social platform and as such, gain more exposure. By interacting with others’ content and providing constructive comments, you have a much better chance when it comes to other people pinging your blog. Reciprocity is a big concept on Google Plus, and many people will find it flattering that you are giving their content attention. This leads to more sharing and viral opportunities (think “+1s”), in addition to building out your Google Author Rank.
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