New To Google Author Rank? Tips On Building Your Rank

Gaining an advantage when it comes to content creation is vital: with so many competitors out there, it can be absolutely overwhelming to get your content featured in the top search results.

Webmasters have had their own ways of boosting exposure since the first days of search engine optimization, but it is a constantly evolving process. Nowadays, major search engines like Google are jumping into the fray, giving quality content creators the ability to have their content featured – with Google’s backing. Below, we’ll outline several ways in which you can boost your Google Author Rank and gain needed exposure.

“How Google Search Works” - Releases Interactive Infographic Secrets

How Search Works
Every wondered how Google Search works, finds pages from across the web and decides how to list them in response to a search? If so, Google’s got a new resource designed to answer questions. Called “How Search Works,” the new area announced today is an interactive infographic that explains more about the search process, including how Google deal with spam issues.
The new area was inspired by Google’s The Story Of Send, an interactive infographic that Google released last year to explain how it handles email.