With the recent Panda 3.9 refresh, (not to mention a series of other algorithm updates that have surged through the web), the term “duplicate content” has been passed around somewhat more frequently. For those unsure of exactly what duplicate content is, this phrase basically refers to text that appears online at more than one URL. Whilst this many sound harmless enough, duplicate content actually poses a serious threat to your site. When search engines are presented with more than one piece of identical content, they are forced to try and decide which is the original, which more often than not leads to a dip in rankings and traffic. |
Search Engine Optimisation,
5 Tips For Dealing With Duplicate Content
SEO Tips: The Importance of Creating Compelling Content

During the development of a blog or website, many writers will consider the technical quality of the content to be more important than the actual type of content or the way in which the information is conveyed to the reader. With search algorithms constantly changing and little tweaks always having to be made, the task of creating compelling content can sometimes take a back seat to the micro-management that is necessary to keep a site competitive.
What these writers are neglecting is the human element, one that makes or breaks the chances of any website. We will explore several aspects of the writing process that you must consider if you want to keep your readers and keep them engaged.
Facebook Timeline Helps You Increase New Customers

Many individual users groaned when the Timeline function was first unrolled, which led to posts that had long been forgotten being rehashed into public view by all their friends. The format quickly spread from just profiles and soon became part of the fan page template as well, which has led to a shift in the way people view these pages and the content posted.
For any business that is seeking to attract new visitors, Facebook’s new Timeline gives you and your fans access to more of your content upfront. Let’s discover some of the many ways that the Timeline feature can help you attract new business.
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